Saturday, September 24, 2011

long overdue blog post

Seven weeks ago, Chris and I entered onto a new mission called foster parenting. I have been relucatant to do any blogging about the whole experience because of confidentialty and out of fairness to the children and their bio parents. But, I have realized that writing can be very therapeutic and for that reason, here I am blogging.
First let me say, foster parenting is not as "easy" as I ever thought it would be. Now, don't get me wrong, I never thought it would be easy. But we have come across challenges that I never even thought of. I have felt emotions that, in all of my 27 years, I have never felt before. I have felt more emotionally spent and physically exhausted then I have in a long time. Working full time and parenting is tough....I have so much more respect for moms now that I've been through the ringer.
Things have gotten substantially better over the past few weeks but let me tell you, the first few weeks were more than rough. I had a hard time adjusting to my life being "interrupted". I had a lot of selfish pity parties where I thought, "when will my life be back to normal?" Until one night when I was having another breakdown. Chris looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "Don't you realize these kids just need a home? Just need to be loved?" That put things into perspective for me. This whole process is not about's about the children. It's about two little kids that, right now, don't have parents that can take care of them. So, God has entrusted them to us for a little while. Of course, I still have my moments. When shoes are being thrown at the television or a child is screaming "NO" in my face, it's hard to remember that this is what we're being called to do right now. But, for everything there is a season, and right now in the Wrights household, this is the season to love on two little children and see where the Lord will take us from here.

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