Monday, June 3, 2013

Nap time

Over the past few weeks we have started "sleep training" Hudson.  We are not really doing things by the book as Hudson has been a good sleeper since the beginning so we haven't been too worried about it.  But, we attempt to do the "eat, play, sleep" cycle now that he isn't a sleepy newborn anymore.  We also try to get him to nap at least once a day in his crib, preferably in the early afternoon.  We have learned that he really dislikes being swaddled, but we have also learned that he does not stay asleep long if he isn't swaddled.  On Sunday afternoon we put him down for a nap in his crib and within a few minutes of wrestling (we watched him the whole time on the monitor), he ended up getting his arm out.  It didn't take him long after he got "free" to fall fast asleep.
For a few days last week he was sleeping 6-7 hour stretches at night...but the past 2 nights he has been up to nurse at 2am.  I am not comfortable yet with letting him "cry it out" in the middle of the night especially when I don't think he's really even ready to drop the nighttime feeding.  So, for now, I'll just cherish those special moments I have with him in the middle of the night when he falls asleep in my arms after nursing.  Before I know it, he will be sleeping through the night and I'll wonder where my baby went!

1 comment:

  1. You're totally right that those middle of the night moments will be gone before you know it. I sure love feeling well rested but I do miss those sweet mid-night snuggles. You are a smart mama to cherish them!

    And Bo used to do the exact same thing w/ the swaddle. Stubborn little boys!!
